A drive up to Broxbourne, navigating by the sat nav map app thing on our phones, so our route a little meandering and here and there, but eventually....
It was hot, with the noise of a gazillion children and their families yelling and shrieking from surprise, excitement or excess of sugar!
Everything from meercat, white lions to big hairy spiders and red pandas......
most of them asleep under shade, or dozing in the mid day sun.
..a couple of tapirs at lunch....

a meercat ...look this way....
...and that...
...a curious one.... "hello!"

this fella was quite happy strutting around, cockle doo a doo-ing all the while....

emu and...

emu chick...

...one of the treats at Paradise is to be able to arrange close up and personal experiences of a lot of the inhabitents there....some kids get first hand feeding with some younger roos....magic!
...it was a lovely day, sunny and hot....and though today was London Pride, I was feeling a different kind of pride.....
Denise, you are my rock, my sunshine in the rain, the jam in my doughnut, the light of my life. I bless the day we first met, and through all the hassles of life and love I hope our time together never ends even if the universe itself expires. Thank you for a lovely weekend, and for all the other days we have shared and will share......hugs xxx