As well as the Visteon fight, of which I have been out of this last week or so, I do have a few other matters on my mind......
Studying/revising for a bunch of exams....ICDL no less (thats International Computer Driving Licence...yeah, I know...don't tell me) only because of a dismal failure in organising my time, I found myself facing the prospect of doing the tests all in one week..or so I thought anyway. So, my reading on the bus changed to the study notes of Excel, Access, Powerpoint and other lovely fantastic ...erm, sarcasm is a dying art...I'll stop there..you get the picture.
I hate to say it but.....having gone into these subjects (mostly MS Office, and bit of general IT), I have learnt that there are a few neat tricks you can do with them. Of course, my own documents rarely stretch much from a basic text thing thrown together with notepad or the occasional bit of html ishness when putting an email together for our School noticeboard or for a guide thing for one of our overseas folks.
I took and passed the Excel test with a staggering 91 % mark.....and I can't say my maths knowledge is that good...formula's....eek...still, not bad.
I have just a couple more tests to do.....Access and Powerpoint...and its on to the advanced modules. Watch this space :=]
As well as the study bits and bobs, I also decided to take a break from Freecycle. If you don't know what FC is....take a look at http://www.uk.freecycle.org/
Up to now, I 've been a keen poster in the groups, often rescuing items that are still usable and offering them to the groups I am in. Once I decided enough was enough, I sent a post in explaining why.....
"TAKEN: All offers withdrawn (Muswell Hill)
I am now withdrawing all offers currently listed. I am taking a hiatus from freecycle.
I have had enough of the abuse, the inconsiderate nature of most of those I have encountered. I have even had threats of violence.
Sadly, though freecycle is a good idea, the practice is flawed for now. I remember a set of rules when I joined. No asking for items that were obviously expensive, no asking for items if you haven't at least made one offer. No posting more than one Wanted request a month. Being polite, at the very least letting folks know if an arranged collection won't go ahead, and that goes for both givers and receivers. Even allowing for some flexibility, some people simply don't do anything else but look at freecycle as some 'free shop' where they can get what they like, without consideration, without contributing in any way, whilst others see it as a way of offloading redundant broken items they can't be bothered to put in the bin or take to the recycle centre.
Those that do contribute, that are considerate do exist, I know, because I have met a fair few. Check the cafe groups that exist, people do have a passion for FC. However, lately they seem to be outnumbered if my inbox is anything to go by.
So, I am taking a break and thinking about what FC is about. Those of you who probably won't care anyway have one less person to leech off and give abuse to. The rest, may your days be happy and full of joy.
many thanks...
Yes, not a happy bunny! Prompted a bit of discussion and a bunch of messages from other FC people pretty much cosmiserating agreeing with me, I am not alone!
Though I have not left the groups, in fact I have since posted in a couple of the cafe discussion groups since, but for now our local charity shops will reap the benefit of my unwanted worldy goods....I may return to being an active offerer as I have met some great people in my time so far...
Check out freecycle for yourselves, though....there's good and bad in there ....
Info at http://www.uk.freecycle.org/
and a list of local groups at http://www.freecycle.org/group/UK/
If you don't see one for your area...start your own :=]
...well anyway, this being the 3rd blog thing uploaded to day, I'll give someone else room to speak as it were...as I have started re reading my Kim Newman books, which will probably result in an online hunt for those I've not read yet :=]

"She had failed to persuade him to accept the
Dark Kiss. But he let her know that she had not failed with him."
His blood sang inside her.
"I love you forever," he whispered, too soft
for the others to hear.
Dracula Cha Cha Cha
...and in music.....
Dracula cha-cha
Dracula, Dracula, Dra
Sortant doucement de sa tombe
Il va par les nuits les plus sombres
Drap? dans son manteau noir
Dracula, Dracula, Dra
Ses yeux lancent d'?tranges flammes
Ses dents sont pareilles ? des lames
Il faut l'avoir vu pour le croire
Plus agile qu'un serpent, il s'introduit prestement
Dans la maison d'une jolie femme
Pour la vider de son sang
Dans le cou il la mord de toute son ?me
Dracula, Dracula, Dra
Et lorsqu'il voit le jour qui se pointe
Desserrant soudain son ?treinte
Il part retrouver le n?ant
Dracula, Dracula, Dra
Le soir les maisons se verrouillent
Les gens pour prier s'agenouillent
Guettant tous les bruits du dehors
Dracula, Dracula, Dra
Au moindre coup dans une armoire
On entend claquer les m?choires
Et les chiens hurlent ? la mort
On s'aper?oit tout ? coup
Que les durs ont les genoux
Qui jouent soudain des castagnettes
Quant aux gendarmes
Ils sont pr?ts ? ne prendre que la poudre d'escampette
Dracula, Dracula, Dra
Ma belle-m?re, ?a me d?concerte
Laisse toujours sa porte entr'ouverte
Et tu ne viens jamais chez moi
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