More information at http://www.haringey.org.uk/independenceday/
Haringey Independence Day: Community DIY for the Credit Crunch
Saturday 30th May, 12 noon to 6pm (with kids activities from 10.15am)
West Green Learning Centre, West Green Road, N15
The recession might be making life more difficult for many of us, but campaign and community groups in Haringey are looking at alternative ways of organising and making real changes to improve our lives.
Haringey Independence Day brings these groups together for a day of discussions, workshops, stalls and films. It's a day of independence from party politics (not an expense claim in sight), religion and government, where individuals and groups in Haringey can exchange ideas, get inspired and make our own plans for a summer of radical recession-busting and resistance. A wide variety of groups will be participating, including Haringey Solidarity Group, Sustainable Haringey, Naturewise, Haringey Federation of Residents’ Associations, Haringey Cycling Campaign and Haringey Independent Cinema.
From growing your own food and cycling, to looking at radical solutions to redundancies and repossessions, the day includes a whole range of activities for all ages. There’s a Dr Bike session and a ‘Give or Take’ community recycling event. Film showings throughout the day include Post Code Wars followed by a discussion by the pupils from Park View Academy who made it, and there’s a special guest performance from poet and songwriter John Hegley, organised by the Kids Collective Arts group.
Local resident Marlene Barrett, one of the people involved in organising the day, said: "Last year’s Haringey Independence Day was a huge success, with over 250 people taking part, and we hope this year’s will be even bigger and better. There’s something for everyone - an opportunity to share news, views, ideas and experiences, to find out what’s going on, to get inspired, to get involved or maybe to start something new."
Another local resident and organiser, Tony Wood, said: “We want to find ways to support each other, without relying on banks and other institutions who just prey on us for profit.”
1. Full details of workshops and stalls at http://www.haringey.org.uk/independenceday
2. This free event is organised by individuals and supported by Haringey Independent Cinema, Radical History Network, Haringey Solidarity Group and Haringey Justice for Palestinians.
3. The venue is West Green Learning Centre, Park View Academy, West Green Road, N15 3RB. The building is fully wheelchair accessible.
4. Kids are welcome (with children's films from 10.15am to noon) and there’s a free crèche.
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