the mad rushing around.....getting t shirts a banner and leaflets printed for spectrum putting the poles together the night before and the early start to the day on the Saturday...free breakfast on offer to the early birds soooooooooo........hot chocolate and cheesecake mmmmmmmmmmmmm seeing the crowd grow, the floats lining up.....the buzz in the air...its damp..its wet..its raining and no one gives a damn
the first viewing of the banner, photo opportunity !
..and we're off...the long march, the smiles and dancing and the calls of the crowd....people lining the streets all aglow with grins and good feelings....some seeing the banner call out ..'totenham!!! haringey!!!'drip drip little june showers.....rain comes down and we dont care, out and proud happy and loud....blow the whistle some more....even ticked off by one of the anarchos in amongst our sections....'can you be a bit quieter?' I offered to play the trumpet instead
things I remember...the spontaneous applause for the police sections of the march....the handful of sorry looking christians and fascists with their own banners.....poor things they looked soooooooo put out
it was a short march, the weight of the banner made it just seeeeeeeeeeeeeem that bit longer ...lucy the hero who didnt falter even when giving interviews....it was good to arrive...a quick nibble and a trawl of some stalls, thanks to camden for letting us put some of our new improved groovy leaflets on their stall...
it seems just a short while ago when we were in Trafalgar Square for a different reason.....no coconuts shells this time just smiles grins laughter and happy faces ....always look on the bright side of life...well, no need to sing that here today, tis already in full view
shame about the doctor..rain stopped play, so have to wait to watch it at home sometime.... a wonderful brilliant great happy gorgeous fabulous groovy day...
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