....on its way....
25th National UK Bisexual Gathering
16th - 20th August 2007, University of Glamorgan
A weekend of workshops, discussions and talks, as well as evening entertainments, DJs and bars. Meet other bisexual and bi-friendly people, relax and enjoy a space where bisexuality is the norm and the sense of an open and accepting community is strong. You don't have to be bisexual to attend; you may have a bi partner, you may have bi friends, you may just not be quite ready to declare your sexuality yet. All we ask is that you are bi-friendly. Attendees may be people of any age, gender, sexuality, location or background, and newcomers are sure to find a warm welcome waiting for them.
Registration will open at 18:00 on Thursday 16th August, with workshops starting on Friday, and the even scheduled to finish at noon on Monday 20th.
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