"Please send this on to as many people and organisations as you can. Apologies for any cross posting.
As you probably know, the Vestas corporation is planning to close the only factory making wind turbines in Britain, on the Isle of Wight. There is now a campaign among local people on the island and Vestas workers to save the Vestas plant. This will save 600 jobs. More than that, it matters to them because it matters to the planet.

They have asked for emails from individuals and organisations expressing support. The address is savevestas@gmail.com. PLEASE DO THIS as soon as you can. Just tell them briefly who you are and what you feel. It will be important in giving them confidence and courage. Please do it now and ask your friends and colleagues to do it too.
We will never halt climate change without wind power. We need dozens of wind turbine plants, not none.
more info at:
Facebook page at:
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