The Olympics and Trafficking: Myths and Evidence - A London Event

The Olympics and Trafficking: Myths and Evidence
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
17.45 to 19.00
Followed by refreshments

In the lead up to the 2012 Olympic Games, concerns have been raised about the possibility of an increase in trafficking for sexual exploitation linked to the event. Similar fears have accompanied other international sports events, including the World Cup in Germany and South Africa, the Olympics in Athens and Vancouver, and the US Super Bowl. Yet once the fans go home, the media loses interest, and little is heard about the consistent lack of evidence for any rise in trafficking. Recent research demonstrates that anti-trafficking measures put into place in a range of countries have proved irrelevant, or harmful in cases where sex workers become increasingly criminalised and unable to access health and social programmes. As the 2012 Olympics come to London, this seminar will review the international evidence on trafficking, sex work and sports events, consider public health implications, and ask to what extent police and local authorities here in the UK are basing their policies on evidence. 

Julie Ham, Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women
Marlise Richter, International Centre for Reproductive Health, Ghent
University, and the African Centre for Migration & Society, University of Witwatersrand
Joanna Busza, Population Studies Department, LSHTM

Discussion Panel:
Nivedita Prasad, Ban Ying Counseling and Coordination Center against Trafficking, Berlin
Catherine Stephens, International Union of Sex Workers, London
Georgina Perry, Open Doors, NHS Service for Newham, Hackney & Tower Hamlets

John Snow Lecture Theatre, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Keppel Street
London WC1E 7HT
Map and directions:

Refreshments will be made available at the end of the presentation.
Admission: Free and open to all with no ticket required. Entry is on a first come, first served basis.

Contact: Joanna Busza
More information:  International Union of Sex Workers

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