a walk on a sunday afternoon...

...well not a lot to say today, at least nothing I can put into words right now


this afternoon, a walk out and about and a we took a few pictures along the way, watched some birds here and there

a robin or two
some crows having lunch in a field
an owl scooting across the sky as the sun was making its way down
the usual wood pigeons that seem to be everywhere
great tits blackbirds and a few other little ones that we failed to see properly before they flew off

no pictures of any of these though, just watching them through a set of binoculars but we did take some other pictures of around and about...take a look

leafy paths

a window in the hedge

even trees seem to hurt sometimes

looking like tears....just the flow of sap

sadly not resting...

some of the other lifeforms...


follow the path....

a different view

more lifeforms

....and when we get home, right there on our doorstep....well, under the doorbell actually we find more new life

cute little mother eh?

just a sunday afternoon walk.... 

1 comment:

Hannah Rose said...

I hate spiders.....like the spider piccies though.

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